Well, its been a month since my last blog entry and the going has been rather slow. It seems the carp in my local hole are too interested in breeding of too full of eggs... or something to bother eating. On my last session (only 2 days ago) I decided to take my camera with me to get some snap shots as i knew they'd be out cruising. Of course i took my rod too.

The going was very slow. There were fish everywhere, ranging in size from about 1.5kg to one that looked well... massive! most were in the 2-3kg looking range. I burlyed a little before wetting my line both on the surface and on the bottom using cream corn from Aldi for the latter and crusty bread for the former. The only real action i got was from a passing tortoise who couldn't help but to stop by for some free corn. Approximately 2 frustrating hours in I finally got some interest, a big bruiser of a fish lazily swam up to my corn bait and engulfed it only 3 meters from where is stood in about a meter of water. I struck and the hook bit... then all hell broke loose! the fish shook and ran about 3 meters and then did the strangest thing, it turned on its side and looked back! Was it looking at me? Was it searching for where the hook came from? From there it steadily took line in no hurry at all towards a fallen tree while i frantically tried to stop it by applying more pressure, but I didn't stand a chance with this guy and the line snapped off at the hook. I stayed on for another 2 hours but all the fish had mysteriously disappeared about 30 minutes after hooking the fore mentioned fish. I think these fish are getting smarter.
Well that's it for now, I hope to get down there again while on leave and maybe get an early morning session in.
Tight lines Y'all!

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    Hello, I'm David. I have fished for most of my life chasing all sorts of salt water species... but recently I discovered the joy of carp fishing in my very own suburb in western Sydney. In this blog i will share my adventures and any wisdom i pick up on the way to becoming.... THE CARP MASTER!


    July 2013



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