Its been over a month since i have had a chance to wet a line... anywhere! I knew i'd get something in between Christmas and new year though and i have some trout fishing coming up with a buddy too. 
I arrived at about 9'30am at my carp hole to find the fish up and feeding. they seemed to be particualrly active taking bugs and whatnot off the surface. I recieved a fairly quick hook up on a big fish which promptly draged my line through every submerged log in the pool to eventually break me off. Not long after i targeted this fish (see photo below), dropping a single corn kernel on a small hook in front of its nose. Its not a big fish but after only a small run i was glad to land it. 
Later i moved up stream and was taunted by another large fish. I dropped a kenrnel in front of it, and it swam back for it but didnt pic it up. Swimming off it draggd the line with it, and I jagged it on the tummy. I actually thought I would land it, but it rubbed me off on the many abundant rocks submerged at this end.

 2 large fish lost in one morning... I need a bigger rod! I have had my eyes set on a nive shimano rod, maybe for my birthday

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    Hello, I'm David. I have fished for most of my life chasing all sorts of salt water species... but recently I discovered the joy of carp fishing in my very own suburb in western Sydney. In this blog i will share my adventures and any wisdom i pick up on the way to becoming.... THE CARP MASTER!


    July 2013



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